Why the Thinking Tree Series?

Words have power and, when used with a focus on God honoring principles, can help us to visualize what following God looks like. It is clear from the Bible—especially the Old Testament—that stories are powerful ways God communicates with us about His character, His love for us, and His hopes and plans. Since we are created in His image it follows that a Christ honoring story can help us understand what it means to walk with Jesus.

As an avid journaler and someone who loves literature, writing is something that I greatly enjoy. When I retired from teaching, I had always planned to write, and after becoming a grandmother realized I wanted to write stories for children. Okay, so perhaps a little transparency is needed here—I love to read children’s books! They are so full of wonder, and I just enjoy the simplicity, so I wanted to write something like that.

God placed The Thinking Tree Series on my heart after the death of my greatly loved Aunt Rhea. I still recall her saying “Why don’t you just think?” when one of us would do something unwise—like jump off the garage or well, you get the idea. How much different would life be if we all took a moment to think before we acted, or reacted?

My prayer is that the stories I write will glorify God, encourage little ones (and all those who are children at heart) that God loves them deeply and has a wonderful plan for their lives. For the adults who are privileged to read these books to a child I pray that you too will come away with a sense of childlike wonder and joy.

Thomas and the Great Kitchen Fire

Being nine years old is very exciting, especially for a curious young man like Thomas who enjoys exploring the world around him. As is sometimes the case, exploration and experimentation can lead to amazing discoveries or tremendous disasters. It was on one of those fateful days, when Thomas was exploring a new way to make paint at home, that one of those "tremendous disasters" occurred. Trouble was not new to Thomas, but on this day, he would discover a very important lesson about the importance of thinking before you act. The day of the great kitchen fire proved to be not only a tremendous disaster, but also an amazing discovery.

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Zoe and the Not So Good Deed

Zoe loved ice cream and mom and dad promised a special treat once the girls’ rooms were clean. It seemed so simple, she would help Joy with her room and then they could all go for ice cream. Helping always seems like a great choice and for Zoe it seemed like a win, win situation. Who knew that what seemed like a good deed would turn out so wrong? It was not fair! She had just wanted to help. But, as she figured out later, helping is not always best and things are not always what they seem. Zoe discovered that obedience is the best choice, and the deep dark forest may hold something very surprising—if you have the courage to trust and obey. Under the thinking tree, Zoe had time to consider and received something even better than ice cream.

Addie Walks Between Raindrops

What happens when a nine-year-old boy takes Jesus at His word and fully embraces what Jesus said in John 14:12 “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.”? More than you can imagine, unless you are Addie. What if you believed you were chosen by God and your life made a difference? What if Jesus asked you “What do you want?” like He did with so many people He encountered in the Bible. Addie’s story provides a compelling challenge and a wonderful example of what anyone—child or adult—can experience if they are fully engaged in a dynamic relationship with God.